The first day back at school is always full of excitement! It was wonderful to see so many students and staff back in the building and ready to learn. We were thrilled to welcome more than 100 new students to Clifford International School for the 2022-2023 school year! We look forward to getting to know each student over the course of the year.
回到学校的第一天总是让人充满期待!很高兴看到这么多学生和教职员工返校并做好了学习的准备。同时,热烈欢迎在 2022-2023 学年加入我校的 100 多名新生!期待在这一年的学习中能了解每一位学生。
We are lucky at Clifford School to have such a great student population. Student ambassadors from every class helped guide our new students around the school and make their first day a positive experience. Thank you to all of our students who volunteered to take on this leadership role.
我们很幸运在祈福英校国际部仍然能拥有相当数量的学生。本学年,每个班级都选出了学生大使来帮助新生适应学校生活,让新生能拥有一个美好的开始。感谢所有自愿担任这一角色的学生们 。
We look forward to working with students, parents, guardians, and teachers to make the 2022-2023 school year the best possible experience for everyone!
祈福英校国际部愿与所有的学生、家长、监护人和老师携手共进,让 2022-2023 学年成为每个人最美好的时光!