November 1, 2021
As the Dean of Curriculum at Clifford International School, part of my job is to support student learning and recognize the gains that students have made in their academic studies. As a result, this year teachers are being asked to nominate a student in their class(es) whose work is worthy of recognition. The reasons can include the overall quality of the work, the amount of effort the student put forth, the growth it demonstrates, and so on. 作为祈福英校国际部的课程主任,我的部分工作是支持学生的学习并就学生在学术学习中取得的成就进行奖励。因此,今年我们要求老师们在他们的班级中提名一名学生,并充分认可他取得的成绩和进步。被提名的原因可以包括作品或作业的整体高质量、学生付出的努力程度、表现出的成长进步等。
For the month of September, I asked the Grade 4 and art teachers to submit student work for recognition. Below you will find pictures of the students, their work, and a reflection on that work from both the teacher and the student. Enjoy! 九月份,我要求四年级的老师和小学美术老师提交学生作品以进行奖励。您将在下面看到学生的照片、他们的作品以及老师和学生对这些作品的评价。欢迎您阅读!
Q: Why did the teacher choose this work?
A: Derek worked really hard on this writing paragraph about his favorite pet. He brainstormed to come up with relevant ideas and went back and added details when asked. He revised his final draft and used his best handwriting.
Q: What does the student think of their work?
A: I am very proud of all the details I included. I really like the part where I tell how long turtles live (150 years), and also that turtles make good pets.
老师评语 - 黎洛洋非常努力地写下了这篇关于他最喜欢的宠物的文章。他展开联想,想到了很多相关的内容,并在讨论时添加了细节。他修改了他的最后一稿并用了最漂亮的书写来完成。
学生评语 - 我为我写到的所有细节感到自豪。我真的很喜欢我讲述海龟的寿命(150 年)以及海龟是好宠物的部分。
Q: Why did the teacher choose this work?
A: Jennifer has shown wonderful growth in this piece of writing. She spent extra time adding more details to her story and focusing on organization. She included her own original ideas and took risks with words.
Q: What does the student think of their work?
A: I worked hard on this piece of writing and I really had to think a lot.
老师评语 - 周美慧在这篇文章中表现出了惊人的进步。她花了很多时间为她的故事添加更多细节,同时文章的结构也完成得很好。她有自己的原创想法,并且用词很大胆。
学生评语 - 我写这篇文章很努力,我真的需要思考很多。
Q: Why did the teacher choose this work?
A: Kyle put a lot of effort into his maze. He followed instructions and knew when to ask for help. His maze turned out beautifully and it’s the best art work he’s produced in class.
Q: What does the student think of their work?
A: I am proud of my work because I love art; I drew the best I could. I am an artist.
老师评语 - 陈永铿在他的迷宫中付出了很多努力。他听从指示,知道什么时候该寻求帮助。他的迷宫很漂亮,这是他在课堂上制作的最好的艺术作品。
学生评语 - 我为我的作品感到自豪,因为我热爱艺术;我尽全力完成了这个作品。我是个艺术家。
Q: Why did the teacher choose this work?
A: Regardless of the challenges he faced, Burhan insisted on keeping up with the class and completed his work. I drew lines for him and he traced over them to the best of his ability. He never gave up, and kept up with his classmates.
Q: What does the student think of their work?
A: I am proud of my work because I know I did a good job.
老师评语 - 无论面临怎样的挑战,布尔汉都坚持跟上课堂,完成作业。我为他画了线,他尽其所能地描绘它们。他从不放弃,一直保持跟上同学们的步伐。
学生评语 - 我为自己的作品感到自豪,因为我知道我做得很好。