October 13, 2021
Last week the secondary students gathered in the school theatre to recognize the accomplishments of some of our high school students. We started by awarding certificates to grade 10 and 11 students who got the top marks in their classes during the 2020-21 school year.上周,国际部高中师生齐聚多功能厅,举行了隆重的表彰大会。此次表彰大会对优秀的高中生进行了表彰,鼓励他们在今后再接再厉,取得更多成就。首先表彰了在 2020-21 学年中取得班级最高分的10 和 11 年级学生,并向他们颁发了证书。以下是各年级的获奖名单。
Congratulations to the following students for academic excellence in their grade 9 year: Eric Park (Math, Science, Social Studies, and Computers), Ann Park (English Language Arts and Music), Locke Li (Physical Education), Yizhen Hung (Visual Arts), and Emma Son (Drama).
祝贺以下 9 年级学生取得成绩优秀奖:
Congratulations to the following students for academic excellence in their grade 10 year: Nicole Cheung (Computers), Yoanna Zhang (Visual Arts and Drama), Ryan Ki (Physical Education), Jeffrey Shen (Music), Jacob Xu (English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies), and Jun Joo (Math).
祝贺以下 10年级学生取得成绩优秀奖:
Scholarships were awarded to twelfth grade students for excellence during their grade 11 year. These awards were given to students who had excellent marks, but also showed passion for the subject and acted as a leader and positive role model in class.
Sangyun Lee was awarded the Literary Arts Scholarship.
Cici Liang was awarded the Pre-Calculus Mathematics Scholarship.
Andy Kang and Miquella Sears were awarded the Athletics Scholarships.
姜枝锡 和 Miquella Sears 获得了体育奖学金。
Rachel Yoon was awarded the Humanities and Social Awareness Scholarship.
Junxian Chen was awarded the Information Technology Scholarship and the Science Scholarship.
Kelly Chen was awarded the Visual Arts Scholarship.
Vivian Si was awarded the Drama Scholarship and Kevin Yi was awarded the Applied Mathematics Scholarship, but no photos are available. 司维获得了戏剧奖学金,易钧获得了应用数学奖学金(照片缺)。
Our final awards and scholarships were given to students who stood out for reasons other than academic excellence. 随后,我们还为在其他方面表现出色的学生颁发了奖项和奖学金。
The Citizenship awards and scholarship are presented to the students who have exhibited personal growth, moral conscience and personal integrity, and a positive attitude in the school community. The winners take initiative and demonstrate leadership in a quiet, subtle manner. 公民奖和奖学金颁发给在学校表现出个人进步、品德优秀、人品正直以及态度积极的学生。获奖者主动参与活动和帮助身边的人,用润物细无声的方式展现出了安静、温和的领导力。
The Citizenship awards were presented to Chingching Lo and Nicole Cheung, and the Citizenship Scholarship was presented to Rachel Yoon. Congratulations to all three of you! Students like you make our school a better place!公民奖颁发给了罗晓澄和张雅仪,公民奖学金颁发给了尹琇河。恭喜这三名学生!这样优秀的学生让我们的学校变得更美好!
The Accomplishment awards and scholarship are presented to the students who have demonstrated significant academic improvement based on the average of five courses from one year to the next. These students demonstrate a positive attitude in class, complete class work and homework, show respect to classmates and teachers and most importantly, have demonstrated an overall improved effort and performance over the past year.成就奖和奖学金颁发给在整个学年里平均五门课程上表现出显著学业进步的学生。这些学生在课堂上表现出积极的态度,及时完成课堂作业和家庭作业,尊重同学和老师,最重要的是,在过去的一年里,他们的努力和表现都有显著进步。
This year’s Accomplishment awards were presented to Jason Yang and Ian Lee, and the Accomplishment Scholarship was presented to Asia Borio. We are so proud of the progress you made last year!今年的成就奖颁发给了 杨誉臻 和李承渊,而成就奖学金颁发给了张雅雅。我们为你们去年取得的进步感到自豪!
We are also pleased to announce the start of something new this year: our new Dean of Students Awards. Our first Dean of Students Awards will be for Active Participation in Learning. This means a student participates actively in learning, is curious, sets learning goals, self-assesses, provides feedback, and uses feedback for improvement. Mr. Kurtz and our secondary teachers will choose three middle school and three high school students to receive this award, and Mr. Brown and the elementary teachers will choose three elementary students! Good luck to all of you!
与此同时,国际部非常荣幸地向大家介绍我们今年新增设的奖项:校长奖。我们的第一个校长奖会颁发给积极参与学习的学生。校长奖的获得者要求能积极参与学习、有好奇心、能设定学习目标、自我评估、提供反馈并根据反馈取得进步。学生主任 Kurtz先生和国际部中学老师将选出三位初中生和三位高中生为获奖人,副校长布朗先生和小学老师将选出三位小学获奖者!祝大家好运!