November 1, 2021
This week our secondary students celebrated Halloween on Thursday. Middle school students decorated pumpkins, played Halloween games, did spooky Breakout EDU, and competed to capture the pumpkin. High school students watched scary movies and had a costume contest. Congratulations to our winners!
In the evening the high school and middle school student councils combined forces to put on an outstanding Halloween carnival.
Highlights included tarot card reading, crafts from the fashion club, carnival games, and a terrifying haunted house. Great job to the students who worked so hard to make this happen!
On Friday our elementary students started the day with a costume parade. We saw so many funny, scary, and creative costumes! Great job to everyone who dressed up.
Students participated in fun and spooooky Halloween games and crafts, then they wrapped up the celebration with trick-or-treating!
Enjoy these pictures of some of our student and teacher costumes: